If you have received a damaged or incorrect order, but instead of a refund you would rather receive the item that you originally ordered, then we are happy to offer replacements under most circumstances. Please confirm with a member of staff that you would prefer an exchange, rather than refund, and we will process this once the original item has been returned back to us. Be aware that a refund will not be issued, under situations when a replacement is to be sent out. We will only ever send one replacement out for an order; under the extremely unlikely circumstances that both orders are damaged or incorrect (ie, the original order and its replacement), then a refund will be issued.
We may also accept exchanges, in situations where the incorrect item has been ordered. These will only be offered under very strict circumstances, and are completely at the discretion of the member of staff dealing with that particular case. We may accept an exchange for an item of a similar value to the original item, or so long as the proposed
exchange is for a logical replacement. For example, if a pink vanity case is to be replaced, we may accept sending out a blue case of the same value, but we will not send out an advent calendar regardless of value.
Please note that we reserve the right to reject any replacements or exchanges for any reason. Under situations where these have been rejected, the customer will be referred back to the original Cancellation Policy.