Date of Last Review/Update – 23/05/2022
Date to be Reviewed – 23/05/2024
At Love Urban Beauty, we fully support our customers, and their right to be safe in the knowledge that their personal data is not being misused, nor is it being stored in any way that would put the security of that data at risk. We respect and accept and any all rights you, the Customer, have to your personal information, as enshrined in the GDPR, and we pledge to only use or collect your personal information in the ways detailed by this Privacy Policy.
Please note that we reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time, and without consulting the Customer.
For more information on Cookies and the role they play on this website, please see our specific Cookies Policy.
1. Who is Collecting Your Data?
Any personal data being collected by this website will have been done so by Love Urban Beauty, a trading name of Urban Trading GRP Ltd.
Urban Trading GRP Ltd
Place of Registration: England
Company Registration No.06932270
VAT Registration No. GB978509854
Business Address:
Unit 6, Bevan Close
Finedon Road Industrial Estate
United Kingdom
Email Address –
Phone Number – 01933 770 428
Any information collected by Love Urban Beauty will be handled solely by officers of the Company, in order to ensure it is being collected and stored in accordance with both this Privacy Policy, as well as legal requirements in relation to the GDPR.
2. What Data do we Collect?
The purposes of this Privacy Policy, the phrase ‘personal data’ and any standard variations thereof shall refer to any information that could be used to identify an individual, whether directly or indirectly. It will also refer to any information that could be used to gain knowledge of an individual’s location, interests, beliefs or activities.
Any data that we collect will have been inputted directly by the Customer, either when creating an account, signing up to one of our social media accounts, or placing an order. This information can include any of the following:
In situations where the above information has not been entered by the Customer, then it shall not be collected by the Company without the Customer’s explicit consent; we will only ever ask for additional information if it is absolutely necessary for us to complete our Contract with the Customer.
One example where this may have to take place is for arranging delivery with certain couriers, that may require a phone number or email address in order to contact a Customer. If this is required and not already submitted by the Customer, we will get in touch with the Customer directly, so that they can consent to offering up this data.
3. What is our Legal Basis for Collecting this Data?
In accordance with GDPR, we will only collect and use your personal data if we have a legitimate and legally viable reason for doing so. In the vast majority of cases, personal data will be collected because it may be necessary for us to complete our Contract with the Customer (ie, we would need to use the Customer’s address and possibly contact details, in order to ensure delivery of their orders). However, we may also have to collect and store personal data, for the purposes of fulfilling our legal and fiscal obligations.
Here are the ways in which your personal data may be used by us:
4. Will your Data be Shared with any Third Parties?
Love Urban Beauty will usually have to share at least some of your personal data with third parties, in order to either complete the Contract with the Customer, or to fulfil our legal and fiscal obligations. Your personal data may be shared with some or all of the following third parties:
Please be aware that, once information has been shared with these third parties, we will no longer have control over the usage of this information on their part. You will have to check the Privacy Policies of the Companies in question if you have concerns regarding their usage of your personal data. If you are uncertain as to which companies may have access to your data, please feel free to get in touch with us, and we’ll happily provide a breakdown of any third-parties your data has been shared with.
5. How will any Information be Stored, and for how Long?
Most of the personal data that we collect will have been processed from the Love Urban Beauty website, and in our third party eCommerce applications. As such, the website itself, and the third party applications in question, will be used for storing the personal data of the Customer. Some personal data may be stored physically in the form of invoices/packing slips, however it is very rare that these would not be sent to the Customer themselves as part of the fulfilment of the Contract.
As we are serious about ensuring that data is protected, we ensure that storage of both digital and physical data is secure. These are the measures we take to ensure that your personal data is being stored securely:
Any personal data we store will be kept for two years; this is to ensure that any legal, fiscal or contractual obligations that may require the data have been met, as well as any possible customer service obligations. After this time has elapsed, we will automatically delete any personal data that remains on our system.
Please note that, if you have an account with us, the information will be stored for two years since the most recent data of access (ie, the last time you logged into your account, or the most recent order). As such, if your account is in regular use, the personal data linked to it may not be deleted as it may be necessary for us to keep in order to fulfil contractual obligations.
6. What Rights do You Have, Regarding Your Data?
In accordance with GDPR, you have key rights with regards to how your data is being used, in order to give you a say in how it is both handled and stored. We will always do our utmost to ensure that your individual rights are upheld, including the following:
In order to make usage of these rights, please see the section below for more information on contacting us. Please bear in mind that any objections or alterations you wish to make may impact our ability to fulfil contracts that have not yet been completed. However, if the requested changes would infringe on contracts in progress, the member of staff dealing with your request will ensure you are made aware of the potential issues.
7. How to Contact Us
If you wish to contact us in order to make use of your rights, request a copy of the personal data we’re currently holding, or to lodge a complaint about the handling of said data, we can be contacted through the following means:
Email Address –
Telephone – 01933770428
Postal Address –
Love Urban Beauty
Unit 6, Bevan Close
Finedon Road Industrial Estate
If you contact us via email, you should receive a response within two working days. Our staff are always happy to help, especially when it comes to your personal data rights, so if you have any queries whatsoever regarding the use or storage of your data, please feel free to get in touch.